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It all started one evening, about four years ago, as I sat down with my grandson, Titus, to work on a jigsaw puzzle. In the midst of sorting through countless scattered pieces, I experienced a moment of revelation, a true Eureka moment!


As we delved deeper into assembling the puzzle, I couldn't help but draw parallels between this process and the study of Bible scriptures. Just as the Bible is comprised of 66 books, authored by over 40 individuals spanning approximately 1500 years, piecing together its narratives mirrors the intricate process of assembling a jigsaw puzzle. It's a gradual journey, scripture by scripture, piece by piece, where each revelation brings us closer to a clearer understanding of the divine stories within.


And so, the concept of Joyful Jigsaw was born! Though it has taken nearly a year to bring this vision to fruition, we're thrilled to finally share it with you. With many puzzles and series on the horizon, each inspired by remarkable Bible stories, we aim to bring joy and enlightenment to puzzlers of all ages.


Our hope is that, whether you're puzzling solo or with loved ones, the experience will inspire you to delve deeper into the pages of your Bible. May it spark curiosity, foster understanding, and illuminate the profound truths of God's purpose for humanity and your own life. Welcome to the journey with Joyful Jigsaw!

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